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Pore Minimizer DIY Mask to Reduce Enlarged Pores Naturally

Pore Minimizer Face Mask

If you have been looking all this time for a pore minimizer that really works, you are in the right place.

This homemade face mask, with just two ingredients, will help you not only to minimize your pores, but also to illuminate your face instantly and naturally.

What do you need to get guaranteed and lasting results?

Shaman Botica EverPhi

First of all, you need to be constant.

The pore minimizing mask should be applied daily. At least for a week, or 10 days.

As the days pass, you will notice that your pores look quite improved and your skin looks fresher and brighter.

Then, you can continue using it when you feel that you need it or, to keep its effects in the long term.

Second and very important, is that your face should be completely clean and free of traces of makeup. In this way, the ingredients will penetrate the skin easily and you will obtain optimal results.

This wonderful homemade facial mask is suitable for all skin types.

In those skins suffering from acne, the mask will act on the pimples promoting its healing, and considerably improving the acne condition.

If your acne problem is severe, you can use the mask up to twice a day.

Now, let’s go over the ingredients that we will need to prepare our mask.


  • ½ tomato
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

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You will also need cotton discs for the application.


Crush the tomato in a small bowl and add the honey. Stir well until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Take a cotton disk and lightly soak it into the mixture. Apply the mask all over your face and then, let it act for 15 minutes.

When the time has passed, rinse your face with cold water and dry it gently with a clean towel.

Next, you will be ready to apply your usual facial skin care products.

We hope you cheer up and put into practice this very simple, but effective pore minimizer mask.

Ah! and do not forget to share your experience with us!

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