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Cypress Essential Oil Uses, Properties and Warnings

Cypress Essential Oil Uses and Benefits for Health

What is Cypress Essential Oil?

Cypress essential oil is a by-product distilled from the leaves, twigs and cones of Cupressus Sempervirens, a deciduous and perennial tree pertaining to Cupressaceae family, of which, wood and leaves are aromatics.  Its botanical name comes from a Greek word meaning “living”.

It has a pleasant sweet, piney, woody and refreshing aroma. Its color is pale yellow, although sometimes also colorless.

The essential oil of cypress blends well with: lemon, geranium, rose, saro, clary sage, sweet marjoram, niaouli, cedarwood, helichrysum, black spruce, rosalina, juniper berry, black pepper, orange, grapefruit, sage, bergamot, frankincense, lavender, pine, and rosemary essential oils.

About Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.)

Cypress is a tree native to southern Europe, but it has spread throughout North Africa and North America. It is easily recognized by its dark green color, and its small round brown flowers.

This magnificent  tree has a life of more than 300 years. It measures between 25 and 30 meters, its dark green leaves grow in the shape of a bouquet. They have fruits in the form of pineapple (hexagonal shell) within which are germinative and long-lasting seeds.

It is a tree with characteristics similar to a cedar or pine, very used to embellish public places, parks, cemeteries, churches or temples. In the United States and southern Europe cypress trees are often planted in cemeteries.

Due to its height, it is used as a windbreaker and, due to the humidity that its bark possesses, it is used as a firewall to protect hectares of possible incendiary accidents.

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The wise that contains this tree provide properties of perennial life, is so bitter that keeps bacteria and worms away.

Cypress wood is famous in the manufacture of furniture and crafts.

Cypress Tree in History

Cypress trees are often cited in literature as an emblem of death.  In addition, the cypress, has been identified as the tree of souls and representative of melancholy.

The cypress is a tree that was cultivated in large proportions in the Greco-Roman era. It is said that because of its characteristics of greenish naturalness and pointed shape, it points to the sky guiding the souls towards it. Besides, It represented hospitality as well as immortality

Cretans and Phoenicians used wood to make houses and boats, while the Egyptians made sarcophagi and also, with the branches and leaves wrapped around the bodies to guarantee their immortality.

Greeks also used cypress wood to carve statues of their gods.

Cypress Essential Oil

It is said that the cross where Jesus Christ was crucified was made with wood from cypress tree, as well as the ark of Noah.

Chemical Composition of Cypress Essential Oil

92.95% of cypress essential oil is composed of 24 components, and the main ones include: α-pinene (30-37.14%) and delta-3-carene (19.67-24%). Other components include: monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpenol, esters and ether/oxide.

Properties of Cypress Essential Oil 

Because of its high composition in pinene, cypress essential oil has great favorable properties for the respiratory and circulatory system.

It is a lung and kidney stimulant, helping decongest and detoxify the body.  On the other hand, it is known to fight the symptoms of pertussis (whooping cough).

Additionally, it is an excellent antiperspirant, anti-rheumatic, anti-sudorific, antitussive, descongestant (venous and lymphatic), restorative (nervous system), vasoconstrictor, astringent, diuretic, healing, analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antacid, antidiarrheal, bronchodilator, relaxing and deodorant.

In cypress essential oil, we will also find a powerful antivirus and anti fungal.

Uses of Cypress Essential Oil

Cypresses grow in humid areas. Its soft wood is ideal for making vases and all kinds of utensils.

The cypress was valued by ancient civilizations for its medicinal uses. The Chinese chewed the cones to heal the gums, while the Greeks loved the comforting smell of the cypress and used it to clear their minds and senses.

Nowadays, the oil is used for industrial and medicinal practices.

The perfume and soap industry uses it for its fresh aroma. Its slightly sweet and balsamic notes add a masculine touch to the colonies and soaps for men.

Regarding its therapeutic uses, among the most important are:

  • Varicose veins
  • Nosebleeds
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Pyorrhea (bleeding gums)
  • Cellulite
  • Bruises
  • Edema (particularly of lower limbs)
  • Diarrhea
  • Preventative to sore throat
  • Congestion in lymph system
  • Excess blood flow during menstruation (menorrhagia), dysmenorrhea, and cramps

Cypress Essential Oil Uses and Benefits for Health

  • Menopause sweating
  • Infection of the throat, nose, or bronchi in early phase
  • Coughs, particularly spasmodic dry coughs
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Flu
  • Sore throat
  • Whooping cough/pertussis
  • Laryngitis
  • Decongesting
  • Skin Conditions: oily skin, sweaty skin and feet, broken capillaries, rosaceae, bruises, cellulite, supportive wound healer and excessive sweating
  • Psychologically and emotionally: calming, contractive (great for when individual feels overwhelmed), helpful during times of transition and bereavement, anxiety, excessive talking, excessive thinking, deepens yet contracts the breath (useful for focus) and bedwetting

Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress essential oil acts as expectorant, antipyretic, diaphoretic, and urine enhancer; externally it has been used for treating coughs and bronchitis, for hemorrhoids and against foot sweating.

On the other hand, research showed that cypress essential oil combined with lavender essential oil exhibit effective anti-candidal activity.  Which means that both oils working in synergy, proved highly effective against Candida albicans.

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Other common benefits of cypress essential oil are:

Relieves pain: Through a massage on the affected areas of the body, the oil can relieve rheumatism, osteoarthritis and muscle pain.

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Strengthens tissues: The cypress has incredible astringent properties that strengthen the tissues of the gums, skin and muscles.

Wound treatment: Due to its camphene content, cypress essential oil has antiseptic properties, healing both, internal and external wounds.

Diuretic: Promotes good digestion and stops the gas that forms in the intestines. It also reduces inflammation, cleanses the kidneys and removes toxins and excess water from the body.

Cypress Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

It contracts blood vessels and helps stop bleeding: It can also benefit people who suffer from hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Helps the correct functioning of the liver: By maintaining the proper secretion of bile. It also protects the liver against any type of infection.

Relaxing: When used as a sedative tonic, thanks to its mild soothing properties,  it has a calming and sedative effect on the mind, body and nervous system. It can be beneficial for people who have suffered severe trauma. 

Varicose veins: Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties, cypress oil can be used to treat varicose veins effectively, since it improves circulation, and reduces inflammation of the veins.

It can be applied by rubbing gently with a cotton ball so that the skin absorbs and exploits its properties, relieving discomfort and inflammation.

Hemorrhoids: Cypress essential oil relieves hemorrhoids, reducing itching and pain thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. By using as an infusion in the bathroom, in water apply a few drops of oil and wash the affected area abundantly. Also, you can try a sitz bath with a blend of Roman chamomile, clary sage and cypress essential oil.

For the hair: Helps to keep the hair free of microbes, as well as to eliminate excess grease. It favors to darken gray hair, stimulates growth and avoid falling.

One way to use it in the hair is through the shampoo or conditioner. By  adding 1 to 3 drops (depending on the length) and using it regularly, will provide a better cleaning, keeping the hair healthy and silky.

Cellulitis: Cypress oil, because it is diuretic, helps eliminate excess salt and water that produces fluid retention in the body. In addition, it stimulates circulation, which influences the increase in blood flow, reducing its appearance. It can be used topically, previously diluted in a carrier oil, by applying massages in the affected areas.

Skin care: Cypress oil favors the skin stimulating the circulation, as well as preventing fluid retention (cellulite formation).  Besides, improves skin tone (rinsing of spots), and regulates excess fat in the T zone and scalp.

When the skin is scaly or dry, it counteracts the loss of collagen, preventing it from losing flexibility.

Acne Conditions: Acne is considered an infectious and inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by excess fat produced by the sebaceous glands, which generate bacteria and infections.

The use of cypress essential oil, greatly improves its appearance. It helps to regenerate the skin and stimulate the circulatory process and with this, the natural production of sebaceous fat.

On the other hand, it moisturizes the skin and acts as an antiseptic, eliminating the bacteria that cause affection. In addition, thanks to its healing properties, accelerates the recovery process of damage to the epidermis.

Cypress Essential Oil Benefits for health

How to apply Cypress Essential Oil 

From a medicinal point of view, cypress essential oil can be used topically, inhaled through steam or ingested in small doses.

Some common and easy ways to use it are:

  • Through the inhalation of its vapor, to calm and relax the mind. It can also help relieve respiratory disorders, such as asthma and bronchitis.
  • Massage oil, to relieve asthma, arthritis, rheumatism and cramps. It can also be added to the bathtub.
  • Add it in your favorite lotion to help soothe skin and varicose veins. It also has astringent effects that can help clear up oily and congested skin.
  • If you have a nosebleed, apply a few drops on a cold compress, press the nose to help stop the bleeding.
  • Soak your feet and add a few drops of oil to deodorize and clean the feet.

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How is Cypress Essential Oil used for massage?

Cypress oil can be used for massages, combined with carrier oils, since in its pure grade it can cause allergic effects and hypersensitivity.

To soothe muscular pains

Place 23 drops of cypress oil together with carrier oil, and apply on the affected area (legs for example).

In the case of cellulite or varicose veins, apply 2-3 drops and gently massage the affected area (legs, buttocks, arms, abdomen, etc.), twice a day.

To treat cough or bronchitis 

By mixing 1-3 drops of cypress oil along with carrier oil apply on the chest and back, with the help of massage. You will get a sense of relief and guaranteed improvement.

It is recommended not to abuse the dose, in order to avoid hypersensitivity and allergy to any component.

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Aromatherapy and Cypress Essential Oil

The aroma provided by cypress essential oil is considered energizing and invigorating, because it helps to combat stress and anxiety, as well as sadness, indecision, impatience and irritability.

This is achieved through relaxing baths, massages and in environmental diffusers.

If it is used in burners (incenses), it considerably helps to calm the nerves in both children and adults.

Is Cypress Essential Oil safe for health?

Cypress essential oil is generally safe. It is not toxic or irritating. However, it is not recommended to ingest it. 

Also, it is advisable to perform a patch test to prevent possible allergic skin reaction.

As with almost all essential oils, cypress oil must be diluted in a carrier oil before applying it to the skin.  

We always advise to consult a qualified professional before taking the oil of cypress orally. Pregnant and breastfeeding women especially should be cautious when using cypress oil.  

Side effects and contraindications of Cypress Essential Oil

Apart from its possible negative effects on pregnant women, cypress oil has no known contradictions. However, we recommend buying the oil from a reputable manufacturer, to ensure that the ingredients are of high quality.

Cypress essential oil is considered non-toxic, however, we must be careful when using it for people who have neurological problems, or who have hypersensitivity to some of its components.

Patients with asthmatic history, it is not convenient to use it, due to its content in cedrol (sedative).

It is not recommended to use it during lactation or during pregnancy.

For topical applications it must be diluted with a carrier oil, and never be used in its natural composition.

Where to buy Cypress Essential Oil?

Generally, good quality oils, that is, 100% pure and not mixed with other substances, can be found in specialized natural herb stores.

If you can not reach a trusted naturist or herbalist shop near you, here are some recommendations:

Cypress SWBCypress Essential Oil

Scent Characteristics: Fresh, herbaceous, slightly woody and evergreen aroma.

Our 100% Pure Essential Oils are extracted from the root, bark, wood, seed, fruit, leaf, or flower of a freshly harvested plant.
We source only the finest quality essential oils from highly regarded suppliers and distillers from around the world, many with whom we’ve worked with for decades.
Many of our oils are steam-distilled or cold-pressed, therefore retaining the essential odor, aroma, taste, medicinal, and therapeutic properties of the plant, resulting in a superior quality, and highly concentrated essence.  Shop here.

Tips for a better performance and duration of your oils:

  • Store them in a dark glass bottle, never plastic, not even when blended with a carrier oil.
  • Keep them in cool, dark places, away from sources of heat and light.
  • Maintain the container that holds it tightly closed, since they are very volatile and also, their properties would be lost or modified.

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2 thoughts on “Cypress Essential Oil Uses, Properties and Warnings

  1. Can this be made into a balm/salve using beeswax and Shea butter to use for vericose veins?

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