A little bit about Karin

Hi!  Welcome to EverPhi,

My name is Karin Durand an unconditional lover of my family, and all kind of nature in here and out there. I currently live in Texas with my husband Chris and our canine sweet girl Ida.

From my early twenties I began my career as an adviser in financial and wealth management institutions.  After thirteen years working for the financial industry,  I decided to leave my homeland Chile and from there,  I have visited and lived in different beautiful places within South America, Turkey and the mesmerizing island of Cyprus. 

In all those years I learned a wide diversity of cultures, and I started paying more attention to the wonders of nature and appreciated every singularly on it.

My first introduction to the holistic world was through aromatherapy.  I was so amazed by the benefits that essential oils offer that I decided to learn even more about them,  which led me to obtain my first certification as an aromatherapist.  At the same time, I began the creation of my website everphi.com. 

Today, I am dedicated to help my clients as a Holistic Health Practitioner and, Body Healing and Life Coach.  I do focus in the importance that a healthy whole -mind, body and spirit- plays in our individual wellness, emphasizing in the balance and well-being of our physique as a key in this process.

I use several therapy tools as: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), neurolinguistic programming (NLP), mindfulness, emotional freedom technique (EFT), herbal medicine, homeopathy, aromatherapy and others.  

Besides my practice as an online coach, I also provide online holistic health consultations with -if needed- custom aromatic products, herbal medicine and homeopathic medicine advice.   

To learn more about my holistic health services visit the following link: Holistic Health Coaching and Consultations.

Enjoy your tour at EverPhi and stay connected for new updates!

Best wishes,

Karin Durand.

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