Golden milk, also known as Turmeric Latte, is a natural and millennial preparation among the many that Ayurvedic medicine offers.
Originally from India, during the last years this delicious drink has gained followers from all around the world, due to its multiple therapeutic benefits.
The main ingredient of golden milk is the turmeric root, which, in addition to having health benefits, is rich in nutrients.
Turmeric plant grows in India and Indonesia and is related to the ginger family. This root is widely used for curry preparation, giving it that so special color and flavor.
Its key chemical component is Curcumin, with polifelones that act in more than 150 therapeutic activities. The effects of curcumin are similar to those of cortisone, but the advantage is that it does not produce adverse or secondary reactions.
Golden Milk and its beneficial effects on Arthritis Disease
The delicious golden milk has acquired its fame in our times as a result of the proven benefits and therapeutic properties offered by curcumin, since it has been classified as one of the best anti-inflammatory components that exists in nature.
According to data provided by the Arthritis Foundation on its website, several recent studies show that turmeric/curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and modifies immune system responses.
A 2006 study showed turmeric was more effective at preventing joint inflammation than reducing joint inflammation.
In 2010, a clinical trial found that a turmeric supplement called Meriva (standardized to 75 percent curcumin combined with phosphatidylcholine) provided long-term improvement in pain and function in 100 patients with knee OA.
Later, a small 2012 pilot study, a curcumin product called BCM-95 reduced joint pain and swelling in patients with active RA better than diclofenac, an nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
Therapeutic Properties of Golden Milk
Among the properties of golden milk, its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer action stands out. It is also considered a natural antibiotic, able to prevent infections, improve circulation and fluidify mucus, so it is recommended especially for people who suffer constant colds, flu or need to strengthen their immune system.
The consumption of golden milk, especially if prepared with coconut oil, can reverse the onset and cancel the development of Alzheimer’s disease, when the first symptoms begin to appear. Also, it may help prevent the cognitive decline that is associated with aging.
This drink can help combat problems and ailments associated with rheumatic, joint and muscular pain, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and other conditions with similar symptoms.
It can also act as an analgesic relieving headaches and other ailments caused by stress.
Last, but not least, thanks to its high content of antioxidants, golden milk is also consumed as an ally for natural beauty. Its consumption improves the quality of our skin, tones it and helps prevent premature aging.
It is recommended especially for hair health, as it helps prevent hair loss, fights dandruff and irritations on the scalp.
Modern versions of Golden Milk recipe
Another quality that we find in golden milk, is that it is a drink as tasty as chocolate but with fewer calories and more versatility.
The original Ayurvedic recipe can be combined with different spices and create a vegan version with the substitution of cow’s milk for vegetable milk, adapting to each personal taste.
Some recipes include cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg and / or coconut oil. However, the original recipe has only 3 ingredients (turmeric, milk and sugar) and an optional one that is black pepper.
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The traditional Indian recipe also includes the benefits of black pepper, which has an active principle called piperine. This facilitates the absorption of active components contained in the other ingredients of the recipe, especially curcumin.
Possibly this is the reason why Ayurvedic medicine includes it as an ingredient in the preparation of Golden Milk.
20 Health Benefits of Golden Milk
- Acts as a natural anticancer.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Protects gastrointestinal walls from ulcers, or stomach and intestinal lesions.
- Helps control cholesterol, sugar and triglyceride levels and prevents arterial obstruction.
- Stimulates digestion (especially fatty foods).
- Acts as a blood purifier and liver detoxifier.
- It helps regulate metabolism and contributes to weight loss.
- Strengthens the female reproductive organs and relieves premenstrual symptoms.
- Encourages breastfeeding.
- Natural anti-inflammatory for symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism and similar.
- Relieves respiratory ailments, helps reduce fever and eliminates phlegm.
- Reduces high blood pressure.
- Ideal for brain health and good memory.
- Cleans the skin and helps treat acne from the inside.
- Heals different skin conditions, such as dermatitis, eczema, redness, irritation, etc.
- Helps treat neurological disorders and relaxes the mind.
- Regulates sleep.
- Prevents and combats hepatic, cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases, as well as diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.
- Relieves muscle pain and lubricates joints.
- Its high amount of antioxidants give us complete protection against premature aging.
How is Golden Milk prepared?
From now on you will not have excuses to prepare this powerful and delicious drink, and to verify by yourself all its benefits.
Below, you will find the traditional golden milk recipe, which until today is a must in Indian homes.
- 1 ½ cup of raw cow’s milk (grass-fed),
- ½ teaspoon turmeric powder,
- Sugar cane (sweetener amount is to the consumer’s liking) and
- 2 whole black peppercorns (optional).
As you can see, the traditional golden milk is prepared with cow’s milk. If like me, you do not consume cow’s milk, you can replace it with your favorite vegetable milk.
The same applies to sugar cane (panela, chancaca), otherwise you can use organic raw honey.
- In a small pot heat the milk over medium heat until it boils. Boil for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring often.
- Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and the peppercorns.
- Stir for turmeric to dissolve well and boil for another three minutes, stirring occasionally.
- After the time, remove from heat and take out the peppercorns.
- Apply the sweetener and enjoy!
Golden milk, it is recommended to be consumed at night, before going to the bed. This will help you achieve a pleasant and restful sleep.
Recommendations when preparing Golden Milk
- It is very important to check the expiration date of the product and not use poorly preserved spices, as these contain a large amount of aflatoxins, a toxic component for the liver that has been linked to cases of cancer.
- The cooking, at the time of the preparation, should not exceed 10 minutes, since it has been concluded that after 15 minutes of cooking, turmeric loses about 85% of its curcuminoid principles. Likewise, the pepper loses its beneficial effect after 20 min.
Warnings and Precautions
High doses of turmeric can act as a blood thinner and cause stomach upset. Avoid turmeric/curcumin if you take blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin), are about to have surgery, are pregnant or have gallbladder disease.
Due to its cholecystokinetic, cholagogue and choleric properties, people who suffer from gallstones are not recommended to consume turmeric, since its consumption can cause colic, that is, expulsion of gallbladder stones, with the possible risk of obstructing the biliary duct (choledocholithiasis).
It is good to keep in mind that you should not abuse the consumption of this drink, as it could cause unwanted results. On the other hand, it has been shown that small doses of curcuma are required to obtain its benefits.
This is a natural rule that applies to most components subjected to doses, since these are usually determined by an “x” amount to generate its effect. The excess, it will be a waste. This also happens with topical applications of creams, lotions, essential oils, etc. In short, we must find the appropriate balance.
Well, if you have not tried Golden Milk yet, be encouraged and you will be surprised by the pleasant changes you will notice in your body. In addition, you will enjoy a deliciously aromatic drink with soft spicy notes that will captivate you.