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Ginger Essential Oil Benefits, Properties and Uses

Ginger Essential Oil Benefits

What is Ginger Essential Oil?

Ginger essential oil is the volatile substance extracted by distillation of unpeeled rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe plant.

The essential oil of ginger has a strong, warm and spicy aroma. Its color is clear to light amber, and its consistency becomes thicker with age and exposure to air.

Zingiber officinale  is a plant that grows in tropical regions, and is well known for its medicinal and culinary properties. As turmeric and cardamom, ginger also belongs to the family of Zingiberaceas. 

Ginger essential oil blends well with neroli, clove, black pepper, rose (Rosa alba), turmeric, angelica, spikenard, cardamom, clary sage, sweet marjoram, plai, yuzu, fennel, jasmine, grapefruit, ylang ylang, coriander seed, lemongrass and may chang.

Origin of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)

Ginger has been prized since ancient times, is originally from China, India, Japan and throughout Asia, where it has been given a great use in the culinary, aromatic and medicinal areas.

It is believed that it was not exclusive to Asia, since when it was exported to Europe, it was used by the Romans and Greeks, and with the fall of the Roman Empire, the Arabs were the ones who began to market it.

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Ginger is an important member of the Zingiberaceae family which includes over 48 genera and 1200 species including cardamom and turmeric. This is a highly aromatic family of plants, with most being prized for their exotic spicy aromas and tastes.

Ginger Oil in History

It is said that the Chinese emperor Yang (Shennong, which can be variously translated as “Divine Farmer”, “Divine Peasant” or  “Agriculture God”. Character representative of the Chinese mythology that lived more than 5000 years ago), was the first to promote the practice of agriculture and the cultivation of different herbs. This allowed him to explore different specimens to know its benefits and uses. Even sometimes, poisonous herbs.

Emperor Yang implemented the consumption of herbal tea. He also wrote a recipe book of herbs and roots, which specified the medicinal plants discovered and the use that each of them had, among which was the ginger.

  Chemical Composition of Ginger Essential Oil

The main components of ginger essential oil include: ⍺-zingiberene (17.4-42.2%), ar-curcumene (5.6-18%), sabinene (8.7%), (E-E)-a-farnesene (3.4-10%), and β-sesquiphellandrene (8.8-11.3%).

Properties of Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger oil has analgesic, antibacterial, anti-emetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antitussive, aperitif, aphrodisiac, deputative, stimulant, laxative, febrifuge, carminative, digestive, expectorant, immune modulatory, rubefacient, stomachic and sudorific (CO2 extract) properties.

Uses of Ginger Essential Oil

Among the most common uses of ginger oil are:

  • Promotes circulation, special for those with cold hands or feet.
  • Relieves stomachache, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, excess gas, constipation or diarrhea, postoperative or drug-induced nausea.
  • Causes loss of appetite.
  • Soothes muscular aches and pains, arthritis, sprains, rheumatism, joint pain and stiffness.
  • Strengthens the nervous system in cases of nervous exhaustion, debility, neuralgia, etc.
  • Treatment for lack of or reduced sex drive and impotence, improves libido.
  • Calms menstrual cramps and pain, morning sickness (inhalation), amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
  • Supports respiratory system fighting catarrh, bronchitis, congestion, common cold and chronic bronchitis.
  • Emotionally, it helps in cases of indecisiveness, confusion, loss of motivation, psychological burnout caused by chronic stress, sexual anxieties, lack of direction, lack of focus, apathy, feelings of loneliness, and resignation, lack of clarity in the mind, poor memory and foggy thinking.

Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil

Improves digestion and acts against stomach and intestinal discomfort

Ginger oil helps improve digestion and can be a great remedy for spasms, abdominal inflammation, constipation, dyspepsia, colic, indigestion, nausea, flatulencies, gas, menstrual pain and diarrhea.

Ginger essential oil

It is considered one of the most effective oils to lose weight

Thanks to gingerols compounds (the compounds which give chilli peppers and black pepper their respective spiciness) that ginger oil possesses,  its anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to improve the absorption process of vitamins and minerals has been proven.

Gingerols have been scientifically proven to reduce disease-causing inflammation in the intestines, and overall improve absorption of the vitamins and minerals in our body.

In addition, it controls the craving for consuming sugars, activates cell energy and promotes weight loss.

Food poisoning

The antiseptic and carminative properties of ginger oil can help treat food poisoning, as well as intestinal infections and bacterial dysentery.

Malaria and yellow fever

According to studies and tests, ginger oil can be used as an Anopheles mosquito repellent, a genus of the Culicidae family, which is the main carrier of malaria and yellow fever in India.

Respiratory illness 

Ginger essential oil can help relieve and treat cough, flu, asthma, dyspnea and bronchitis. In fact, fresh ginger can expectorate both the throat and the lungs, and it is very common to add it to tea because of its calming effect.

Natural analgesic

Both ginger and its oil can decrease prostaglandins levels, which are compounds that are linked to pain, helping to reduce headache, migraine, and muscle and joint pains, among others.

This oil is especially helpful to soothe pains related to arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis and similar diseases.

Heart Diseases

Using ginger oil on a regular basis, can decrease the risk of blood clots and arteriosclerosis. In parallel, it reduce cholesterol and strengthen the functioning of the heart. Additionally, Adults who consume ginger daily can reduce their risk of coronary heart disease by 13%.


On the other hand, adults who consume ginger every day have an 8% lower risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure).

According to a study done in 2005, ginger can lower blood pressure by blocking calcium channels dependent voltages.

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Chronic diseases

A research published in the journal Nutrition, suggests that consuming 2 to 4 grams of ginger daily can help prevent chronic diseases.

Improves liver function 

Improves the function of alcoholic liver, which is related to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Relieves joint pains due to arthritis and rheumatism, through massage

It is one of the oils indicated to treat arthritis. Due to its gingerols, ginger oil has anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the production of chemicals that cause inflammation.

Even though, it does not cure arthritis in its entirety, but avoids the use of medications that can cause kidney problems, naturally controlling joint pain and inflammation.

It is used to heal wounds caused by bacterial infections

Ginger oil has bactericidal and fungicidal properties. Consequently, helps eliminate infections  caused by fungi and bacteria.

Ginger oil against cancer

Because of the gingerol and zerumbone, potent antioxidant components, ginger oil is capable of destroying the oxidation of cancer cells and a certain receptor (CXCR4) of different cancers. Among them: skin cancer, kidney, lung and pancreas cancer. Destroying the cancer cells through apoptosis process (cancer cells kill themselves) and autophagy process (cells with cancer eat themselves).

Other known benefits of ginger essential oil:

  • Controls anxiety.
  • It is an antioxidant and helps fight free radicals.
  • Acts as a natural aphrodisiac.

Ginger Oil

Ginger essential oil for hair

In Ayurvedic medicine, ginger oil is used in the treatment of hair loss, to eliminate dandruff and to contribute to its healthy growth. In addition, it provides nutrients that strengthen it and give it shine.

It is used mixed with other oils such as argan, jojoba, olive, sesame, coconut, almonds, castor oil, among others.

It is applied to the hair and scalp massaging for 10 minutes, which favors blood circulation, absorbing the properties that counteract dryness, falling and the formation of dandruff. These results are fast and guaranteed.

Ginger Oil For wrinkles and acne

Ginger oil has approximately 40 antioxidants, which act against aging, eliminating the toxins that come from free radicals.  In addition, it helps stimulating circulation and providing more nutrients to the skin.  Thus,  we will achieve a firmer and youthful appearance.

Besides, it also prevents the formation of wrinkles, as well as, keeps the skin clean of impurities. Controls the formation of acne and reduces hypo-pigmentation.

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Pregnancy and Ginger Essential Oil

Due to its analgesics components, ginger oil relieves stomach discomfort and nausea. So, it is a perfect ally during pregnancy, because it relieves morning sickness and nausea symptoms.

By applying a few drops of ginger oil  in a handkerchief and aspirated, will automatically improve morning discomforts of pregnancy.

This is important to do under medical supervision.

During lactation is it safe to use ginger oil?

The use of ginger oil is not contraindicated, while it is in the period of lactation.

According to a study, ginger oil increased breast milk production for 6 days after child birth, without presenting any alteration.

So it is considered very low risk in breastfeeding.

Is Ginger Essential Oil good for babies?

It is recommended to use ginger oil for babies, in small quantities, it will help relieve colic and discomfort in the gums by the appearance of teeth. However, its use must be careful and under medical supervision, since the babies are too sensitive.

Ginger Oil

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Side effects of Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger oil has few side effects; however, caution should be exercised in the following cases: high doses will cause diarrhea, stomach pain and oral irritation.

Due to the fact that ginger oil can drastically reduce the tension, which is why it is not recommended for hypertensive people under medication.

On the other hand, for diabetics, it is noted that ginger oil has anticoagulants, which can cause more bleeding.

Where to buy Ginger Essential Oil?

Generally, good quality oils, that is, 100% pure and not mixed with other substances, can be found in specialized natural herb stores.

If you can not reach a trusted naturist or herbalist shop near you, here are some online products recommendations:

Ginger SWBGinger Essential Oil by SWB

Scent Characteristics: Warm, spicy, and woody with an earthy aroma.

Our 100% Pure Essential Oils are extracted from the root, bark, wood, seed, fruit, leaf, or flower of a freshly harvested plant.

We source only the finest quality essential oils from highly regarded suppliers and distillers from around the world, many with whom we’ve worked with for decades.

Many of our oils are steam-distilled or cold-pressed, therefore retaining the essential odor, aroma, taste, medicinal, and therapeutic properties of the plant, resulting in a superior quality, and highly concentrated essence.  Shop here.

The following are also good quality essential oils that you can find on Amazon:

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Tips for better performance and duration of your oils:

  • Store them in a dark glass bottle, never plastic, not even when blended with a carrier oil.
  • Keep them in cool, dark places, away from sources of heat and light.
  • Maintain the container that holds it tightly closed, since they are very volatile and also, their properties would be lost or modified.

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