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30 Reasons why you should stop eating dairy

Stop eating dairy products

Stop eating dairy products may seem crazy to many people however, there are also millions around the world, who have noticed the harmful effects that dairy products produce our body.

Although the subject is not a novelty, every day the conviction becomes evident in the face of testimonies of a growing population that becomes vegan or those who must stop eating dairy due to acne problems (for example), which experiences the beneficial changes that occur in the body by eliminating dairy products completely from their diet.

It is true that the difficulty lies in the strength of will that is needed to stop eating dairy. Unfortunately, milk is the basic ingredient in many products and tasty recipes that are part of the daily menu in most homes.

French immunologist Jean Seignalet (1936-2003), says that the problem of consuming milk occurs when: “Bovine proteins are ingested in a digestive tube programmed to digest human proteins”.

The human being is not capable of digesting  milk of cow proteins, and breaking proteins into amino acids.

The intestinal absorption of undigested proteins is the cause of autoimmune diseases. The milk of each mammal is specific for its breeding.

The milk of the cat is designed to grow the kitten. It will have the capacity to digest the milk of the cat and not the milk of another mammal.

stop eating dairy

30  Reasons why you should stop eating dairy

Below you will find 30 reasons and positive effects that occur when we stop eating dairy products. These are:

1. Milk reduces iron in young children

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That is why in 1993, the National Academy of Pediatrics of USA published an official statement expressing the opinion that:  “no child should drink animal milk before 18 months of age”. In the same way, it contributes to the lack of essential fatty acids and Vitamin E.

2. Animal milk stimulates the body to produce mucus

That is why when you suffer from a cold doctors recommend not to drink milk.

3. Unwanted effects

Other effects associated with the consumption of animal milk include diarrhea and constipation, especially in young people.

4. A glass of milk contaminates more than a car

According to a report from the United Nations, the excessive raising of livestock is one of the main culprits of climate change. 18% of the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere comes from cow droppings. This implies that its contamination is greater than that of cars, airplanes and other polluting means of transport.

Fortunately, there are many other delicious options, such as preparing vegetable milks.

5. Intolerance and allergies

Milk occupies a high place in the list of products that cause allergies and sensitivity. It has been shown to affect behavior, sleep, concentration and even enuresis.

6. It contains a lot of fat and sugars

Milk contains a high percentage of fat, so it gives us plenty calories that we could easily avoid.

In addition, it has 4.7% sugars, which are definitely not good if we want to have a healthy weight. Surprisingly, skim and semi-skim milk usually contain even more sugar than whole milk: 6.5% and 5.3% respectively.

Dairy products are highly caloric. That is why everyone who reduces their consumption sees their weight decrease and stabilize. But, in addition, if you are already at your normal weight, when you stop eating dairy products and drinking milk, you will most likely notice your body more fibrous and toned.

Milk products naturally contain trans-fatty acids, which, although the dairy industry defends them as “non-hazardous”, are as damaging to cardiovascular health as those of industrial bakery.

For its part, low-fat dairy products could never be the alternative, since they hide an increase (up to 39%) in the risk of suffering from a neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson’s, according to a study carried out over 25 years in More than 10,000 people.

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7. Diseases related to dairy consumption

Consuming dairy products is associated with several diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Chron, irritable bowel syndrome and even cataracts.

There is a suspicion that eating dairy products acidifies the body and causes silent inflammations that lead to an increased risk of prostate cancer, heart disease and depression, as well as osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

8. Casein

Casein is a protein present in milk and is used to make glue. the casein produces in a large number of children, the soft tissues swell. These soft tissues are commonly located in the throat, nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses. When they are inflamed, breathing difficulties occur.

According to research, the protein (casein) upon decomposition produces hydrogen sulfide, one of those preferred by bacteria. Causing bad body odor. Although some may surprise you, the truth is that body odor depends to a large extent, on what we eat. And it is proven that if we stop eating dairy products, our body odor will be more pleasant.

9. Absorption of nutrients

Animal milk contains a perfect combination of minerals designed to help mature the digestive system of their offspring. This digestive system allows them to correctly digest the nutrients of the grass and herbs. The cows have a stomach configured by four cameras. Cows regurgitate, chew and swallow their food several times before digesting them.

They have a digestive system very different from humans and therefore, different needs. When we consume milk, we are ingesting the minerals and chemicals that the cows need in their system and as our diets are different, these chemicals and minerals disturb our digestion and affect the absorption of the nutrients present in our diets.

10. Milk and cancer

Milk is associated with prostate cancer in men. Risks increase by 30% if two or three servings a day are consumed. Women who take dairy products increase their risk of ovarian cancer by up to 66%.

11. Unbalance your hormones

Cows, as we all know, give milk when they give birth to a calf. To keep them producing for longer, hormonal treatments are applied, which increase and extend the production of milk. These hormones pass to the milk and from there, to our organism.

But even if we choose organic products, the milk naturally contains more than 60 hormones of the cows, which the calves need for their growth.

Hormones are responsible for growth during childhood, development during puberty and our reproductive system, among others, so it is a point to consider.

It has been seen, for example, that milk and the hormones it contains can promote androgen production in girls, thus unbalancing their delicate hormonal system.

12. Animal milk is full of bacteria

Due to its excess of bacteria, it is an excellent means to make bacteria grow inside our body. 
This is why, children who do not drink animal milk and who do not eat dairy products, do not get sick as often, suffer less from tooth decay and ear infections.

The pasteurization used by the milk industry generally lasts 15 seconds. However, for the bad bacteria in the milk to become inactive, it is necessary that the process last at least 15 minutes.

13. It causes acne

It has been observed in several studies that the consumption of dairy products is a significant cause of acne. Actually, the problem is not associated with the fat content of these products, but with the hormones they contain.

Just as they can alter the hormonal balance of preadolescents, milk hormones can cause acne problems in adults, especially in women.

Milk is actually an ultra-caloric food designed to ensure the growth needs of livestock breeding (it should allow a calf to gain 900 grams per day).

In addition, it contains important doses of growth hormones, including IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), which overstimulate the production of sebum (skin fat). This fat clogs the pores and promotes bacterial development (including that of Propionibacterium Acnes, which is behind the development of acne).

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There are many scientific studies that confirm that dairy products aggravate the state of acne. Therefore, if you suffer, or you know someone affected by it, it is recommended to eat less dairy products or eliminate them from the diet, to have a faster healing.

14. The myth of calcium

The stories that associate calcium with milk consumption, are mostly a myth created by the dairy industry, who in their advertising campaigns say that cow’s milk contains large amounts of calcium.

Strategically also they say that we need calcium. These two statements are true, however, they do not tell us that consuming milk provides us with this calcium. The reason is because it does not really happen like that.

Calcium in milk is combined with other minerals, which are found in excessive quantities in animal milk, forming a molecule, most of the time extremely large, to be absorbed by the human intestine.

In areas of the world where milk is not consumed, diseases associated with a lack of calcium are almost non-existent.

Animal milk is good only for animals

Stop eating dairy

Osteoporosis and atherosclerosis are very rare in cultures where milk consumption is limited. In fact, recent studies suggest that milk and cheese may actually be the cause of osteoporosis, since high amounts of protein in dairy products cause calcium to separate from bones.

Although it sounds paradoxical, since it is undeniable that bones are made of calcium, the truth is that neither this mineral nor milk in general are able to strengthen the bones or to avoid the risk of osteoporosis or bone breaks.

It has been a team of New Zealand researchers that has given a definitive answer in this regard. After compiling the results of all the investigations on the subject, carried out to date.

The results are unquestionable.  In almost 60 different scientific experiments it is found that ingesting more calcium has no effect on bone density or bone strength.

Certainly bones need calcium, but in small amounts; any major intake is useless. What actually gives resistance to bone is not calcium, but its collagen structure.

15. Vitamin D

The supervision of the presence of Vitamin D in milk is very poorly regulated. Recently, it was found that in 42 samples only 12% had the promised amount of vitamin D.

Ten samples of infant formulas have also been studied. 7 of them contained twice the amount of vitamin D announced. One even had 4 times more. Vitamin D is toxic in amounts of overdose.

16. Zinc deficiencies

Children who drink high amounts of milk and consume cheese constantly, lack Zinc.

17. Milk and learning problems

Disabled children who suffer from neurological problems such as Autism, Down syndrome, learning disabilities and brain injuries are especially vulnerable to dairy products.

Certain proteins present in animal milk, such as casein and whey, apparently irritate the nervous system of humans, causing these neurological problems to worsen in children.

That is why, by not consuming milk or dairy, rehabilitation programs produce better results, compared to those that consume.

18. And the bones?

Although it seems hard to believe, the consumption of cow’s milk can have a negative effect on the health of our bones.

Vitamin A exists in two forms, retinol and beta carotene. The first, which is the form present in large quantities in cow’s milk, when consumed in high doses, interferes with the absorption of vitamin D (essential for the health of the bones), and it is believed that it can even increase the risk of osteoporosis.

19. Increase “bad” cholesterol levels

A serving of milk (250 ml) contains 8 grams of saturated fats, which are what increase the levels of cholesterol in the blood.

So, the daily consumption of milk increases the risk of circulatory diseases and having heart problems.

20. Dioxins

Milk is one of the substances that contains more dioxins. Contrary to popular belief, dioxins in milk and cheese are ten times more likely to cause cancer.

During the summer of 1999 the milk industry in Brussels closed for a month because the milk contained 100 times more than the recommended levels of dioxin.

21. Milk … it is not just milk

The milk contains animal blood. The milking machines cause wounds in the nipples of the cows, causing them to bleed. Consequently, this blood goes to the milk.

Stop eating dairy

22. Is it possible to eat a dairy-free diet?

Yes, it is possible.  There are many other alternatives to animal milk. Plant milk are excellent and above all, very healthy.

In most supermarkets you can find cheese, yogurt and other products based on soy or other vegetables. In addition, they can be prepared at home, since there are hundreds of recipes online and superb easy to prepare.

For babies, there are brands with formulas based on soy, which are as nutritious and healthy as those that contain animal milk base.

23. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome risk and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis disease

The consumption of animal milk can also be associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease (Lou Gehrig’s disease).

An association between breastfeeding and decreased risk Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has been described in several epiderniological studies. Although it has been shown that it is a statistically important factor, it continues to be one of the elements on which it is possible to intervene.

The hypothesis that an intolerance or allergy to cow’s milk proteins, through anaphylactic shock, could be a cause of sudden infant death, but has not been demonstrated yet.

However, a reduced risk for SIDS has been described in children who drink breast milk, compared to those who are fed with artificial lactation.

24. Animal milk is good only for animals

The chemical composition of cow’s milk is absolutely perfect to nourish a calf. It provides the exact nutrients to make the cow perfectly nourished and helps develop its digestive and immune system.

Human milk, is equally perfect for babies. If we gave human milk to a calf, it would suffer from malnutrition and get sick in a short time.

Of course, anyone would think that doing this is ridiculous. However, is this much more ridiculous than feeding our children with milk and non-human derivatives?

25. The milk contains pus

The rules of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stipulate that, milk is abnormal and should not be swallowed if it contains more than 200,000 dead white cells per milliliter.

Stop eating dairy

26. Asthma

The consumption of milk and cheeses is associated with asthma. When humans consume the Casein protein (used to create the glue that adheres to the labels on beer bottles), they produce histamine and then mucus. If the bronchi are filled with this substance, breathing difficulties occur.  

However, researchers are still not sure what exactly relates to asthma with dairy products. At the same time, there are numerous testimonies that reflect a respiratory improvement after stop eating dairy and drinking milk.

27. Antibiotics

It is common for dairy cows to develop infections in the udders, because of daily milking. To avoid these infections, antibiotics are administered constantly, even preventively.

Such quantities of antibiotics promote the development of increasingly resistant bacteria, which end up in our organism and make our diseases more difficult to treat.

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28. Incompatible with our digestive system

Most adult  do not have the enzyme that is needed to digest lactose, which is the main sugar in milk.

The few adults capable of digesting it are because they have a genetic mutation that allows them to conserve that enzyme, which naturally disappears at the age of 5 years.

Stop eating dairy will be a relief for our intestines. Many testimonies show that, once left behind, they suffer less swelling, less gas and their intestinal transit becomes regular.

For the rest of us, consuming dairy means that undigested sugars are stored in the intestine causing inflammation, gas and other annoying symptoms.

29. Milk is a good poison driver

A study that reviewed cases of poisoning in England and Wales, between 1992 and 1996, found that 20 of these cases were associated with the consumption of milk and its derivatives.

30. Will have more energy

It is incredible the energy that we gain when we stop eating dairy products.

Many people have confessed that after doing so, they manage to do many more things than before during the day.

This has an explanation: milk contains Tryptophan, a neurotransmitter that, together with a diet rich in carbohydrates and proteins, causes fatigue and drowsiness.

The milk-free diet

Most people in the world does not drink milk and get calcium satisfactorily from other foods.

The sources of calcium are many: almonds, amaranth, pinto and black beans, broccoli, cabbage, chickpea, cauliflower, dandelions, figs, hazelnuts, green cabbage, escaroles, leeks, molasses, okra, olives, peanuts, parsley, pistachios, raisins, sesame, soybeans, tofu, spinach, sunflower seeds, watercress, are just some of the foods that contain considerable amounts of calcium that our body can absorb, and we can enjoy.

On the other hand, by stopping eating dairy products, we will be contributing in some way to reduce animal abuse.

We hope this information is useful and gives you a little guidance in identifying if dairy products are harming your health.


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